The Path of Learning


 The Path of Learning: Unfamiliar to Familiar to Mastery

Learning always follows the same path. Things start as unfamiliar and strange. With more exposure, they become more familiar. Over time, familiarity can lead to mastery. These are not well-defined stages. They are like the progression of seedling to sapling to full grown tree.

Everything that feels comfortable and familiar is something that you have learned. Your brain has been doing this your entire life. It is something that comes naturally. We are all capable of amazing feats of learning.

As we learn, more and more details become familiar.

As we learn, more and more details become familiar.

We’ve Left the Path.

Sadly, many of us have left this path. We have replaced the natural process of learning with unpleasant and ineffective labor. Instead of working with our brains, we fight our brains. We cram, rote memorize things, set goals and deadlines, and pour time and effort to force our brains to do things. Our brain rebels by forgetting them as soon as possible. We’ve come to expect this as normal. We now expect much less than we are capable of.

We often see prolific learning in other people. However, when we see it, we assume it is due to talent or hard work. We think people who can use several languages are smart and hardworking. We think people who play several musical instruments are talented. We think people who excel at mathematics are smart. We think computer gurus who can solve most problems have special talent. The list goes on and on. We believe it is our own fault we cannot do these things. We think we are too lazy or lack talent or ability.

We never consider the possibility that prolific learning is due to the methods of learning. What if those people are not specially gifted or hardworking but have only discovered better ways of learning? What if it is not our fault? What if the reason language learning takes years and years of difficult effort is due to the methods we use? What if the reason we spend years taking a band instrument but never become good at it is the methods? What if the reason we hate math is due to the methods? What if the reason computers remain frustrating is the methods we use to learn? What if all we need to do is use better methods of learning?

We’ve come to think of muddy difficult paths as normal. Perhaps we should think of well trodden roads with nice scenery as normal.

We’ve come to think of muddy difficult paths as normal. Perhaps we should think of well trodden roads with nice scenery as normal.

The Means of Prolific Learning: Enjoyable and Effective Methods

When you choose methods which are enjoyable and effective, you will see more progress for your time and efforts. When you are enjoying yourself, you will want to put in more time and effort. You will want to keep going day after day. If you are using effective methods, you will make progress. Amazing things can happen as you practice selecting enjoyable and effective methods. Check out the rest of this site for more information and resources.

Learning should be enjoyable and effective. It should have a feeling of being natural and free.

Learning should be enjoyable and effective. It should have a feeling of being natural and free.